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Nehemia Levtzion & Randall L. Pouwels, eds.
The History of Islam in Africa. Athens. Ohio University Press. 1993. 587 p.


Nehemia Levtzion and Randall L. Pouwels. Patterns of Islamization and Varieties of Religious Experience among Muslims of Africa

Part I. Gateways to Africa

  1. Peter von Sivers. Egypt and North Africa
  2. M. N. Pearson. The Indian Ocean and the Red Sea

Part II. West Africa and the Sudan

  1. Nehemia Levtzion. Islam in the Bilad al-Sudan to 1800
  2. Ivor Wilks. The Juula and the Expansion of Islam into the Forest
  3. Jay Spaulding. Precolonial Islam in the Eastern Sudan
  4. David Robinson. Revolutions in the Western Sudan
  5. John O. Voll. The Eastern Sudan, 1822 to the Present
  6. Jean-Louis Triaud. Islam in Africa under French Colonial Rule
  7. Lansiné Kaba. Islam in West Africa: Radicalism and the New Ethic of Disagreement, 1960-1990
  8. William E S. Miles. Religious Pluralisms in Northern Nigeria

Part III. Eastern and Southern Africa

  1. Lidivien Kapteijns. Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa
  2. Randall L. Pouwels. The East African Coast, c. 780 to 1900 C.E.
  3. David C Sperling & Jose H. Kagabo. The Coastal Hinterland and Interior of East Africa
  4. Edward A. Alpers. East Central Africa
  5. Robert C-H. Shell. Islam in Southern Africa, 1652-1998
  6. Abdin Chande. Radicalism and Reform in East Africa

Part IV. General Themes

  1. Allan Christelow. Islamic Law in Africa
  2. Roberta Ann Dunbar. Muslim Women in African History
  3. Stefan Reichmuth. Islamic Education and Scholarship in Sub-Saharan Africa
  4. Knut S. Vikor. Sufi Brotherhoods in Africa
  5. David Oivusu-Ansah. Prayer, Amulets, and Healing
  6. René A. Bravmann. Islamic Art and Material Culture in Africas
  7. Kenneth W Harrow. Islamic Literature in Africa
  8. Eric Charry. Music and Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa

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